privately contracted armed security personnel造句


  1. The smuggling of contraband items ( especially arms & ammunition by militias and separatist outfits ), the 2008 Mumbai attacks by sea-borne terrorists, the appearance of privately contracted armed security personnel ( PCASP ) and loosely regulated floating armouries in the Indian Ocean region has made India adopt a rigid stance on matters of maritime security and transport of weapons.
  2. It's difficult to find privately contracted armed security personnel in a sentence. 用privately contracted armed security personnel造句挺难的


  1. "privateers and gentlemen"造句
  2. "privateersman"造句
  3. "privateersmen"造句
  4. "privatefly"造句
  5. "privately"造句
  6. "privately financed"造句
  7. "privately financed initiative"造句
  8. "privately held"造句
  9. "privately held companies"造句
  10. "privately held company"造句

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